Mah-Dry-Bread Wikia

This is a series where Mah-Dry-Bread, Whattageek, & Brandon play Pokemon Stadium. This series is one of his few if not only series with a 0 episode.

Starting in part 1 the hilarious swimmer spite is in every thumbnail.

For the first 16 parts, they use rentals till part 17 where they started using their own pokemon. prior to this people were arguing whether or not they should use their own pokemon or just rentals In the comments.

In part [] Mah-Dry-Bread, WhattaGeek, & Brandon talk about a comment on this series that called them the Walmart Muffin Squad which many have started calling the trio of, Mah-Dry-Bread, WhattaGeek, & Brandon, Walmart Muffin Squad.

Starting on ep part 48(MORE INFO), they started switching between this andPokemon X: A Journey every week.

Part 62 begins with them trying to play the minigames till technical difficulties arose so they play Mario Party 5 instead titled the episode, "Pokemon Stadium KIND OF". Part 63 is the same except it is titled, "Mario Party 5* Citation Needed".

Staus: Ongoing


Returning Special Guest Co-Hosts[]


